Letter Describing Annual Day Celebration

Letter Describing Annual Day Celebration
Letter Describing Annual Day Celebration

Letter Describing Annual Day Celebration: Write a letter in English to a friend describing the Annual Day celebrations in your school. The Annual Day program is an exciting program for which we eagerly wait for the day to come. Undoubtedly, we celebrate it enthusiastically. At this point, I must say that we can write it very easily.

So, let us write a letter to a friend describing the Annual Day celebration in your school.

Letter Describing Annual Day Celebration

⅔ M.G Road


September 15, 2022

Dear Sakshi,

Your letter is just in my hand. You have wanted to know about my Annual Day celebration. Well, the annual function of my school was held on Tuesday, the 2nd of January. A stage was built up. The upside area was covered as rain may not spoil the celebration. The Block Development Officer of our block, Karimpur was our Chief Guest. A cultural show was organised in which one-minute plays, folk dances, and songs were presented. By the way, the program started at 11 am.

After the cultural show, the Principal read the Annual Report. The Chief Guest distributed the prizes to the deserving and the best performers. He praised the efforts made by our school in preparing the students for the annual function. The function ended at nearly about 3 pm. Obviously, it was a nicely arranged and well-managed function. In fact, we all enjoyed the program.

With lots of love to you and regards to your parents.

More when we meet.

Yours sincerely


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Hi, I am an English Educator, Content Writer, Blogger since more than 10 years.

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