Application for New Water Connection

Application for new water connection

For a new water connection, one may need to write an application to the respective department. To write an application for a new connection of water, you may write the application in the given format. Please make sure to whom you need to address for writing an application for a new water connection. It may be the Pradhan of your Gram Panchayat or maybe the Chairman of your Municipality area.

Application for new water connection:


The Chairman

ABC Municipality



Your Full Name


Dated: 01.01.2021

Subject: Application for new connection of water.

Respected Sir,

Most respectfully, I wish to state that I am Biren Borua (Your full name), a resident of the village Sonarpur (the name of your village) under ABC Municipality (the name of your Municipality/Gram Panchayat). We have been facing the problem of the non-availability of pure drinking water for the last 2 years. The water, we are using now, is polluted with the contamination of arsenic. You know that this is very dangerous and harmful for health. So, I need a new connection of water for our household. Hope you understand our condition. I enclosed herewith all the necessary documents in this regard. Kindly let me know if there are other necessities to be completed in terms of paperwork for the water connection.

I shall be highly obliged if you kindly consider the matter urgently and do whatever is required to set up a new water connection as soon as possible.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Your Full Name)

Your Contact Number


  1. Necessary Documents

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About JM

Hi, I am an English Educator, Content Writer, Blogger since more than 10 years.

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