Application to Bank to Reduce Interest

application to bank to reduce interest of loan

Application to the Bank to Reduce Interest: This is the specimen copy of the application letter to the Bank Manager for reducing interest and monthly instalments of loan.

If you have a loan with any bank and you want to write an application to reduce the interest of that loan for any reason, write this application with the change of your need.

Let’s start.

The Branch Manager
ABC Bank

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Sub Application for reducing the amount of monthly instalments and the rate of interest of loan.


Most respectfully, I wish to that state that I pay: 11 be am Rahul Roy. My father’s name is Anupam Roy. He had taken a loan of amount & 50.000 for the tenure of five years. He died on 01.07.2021. The amount of the monthly instalment of the loan which he had taken is Rs 34000.

After his death I have to pay this amount. But my monthly income is 10000. So, it is very difficult for me to pay the amount of the instalments after maintaining my family.

It will be very convenient for me if the amount of the installment is reduced and changed to 2500 / month. Besides, it is a humble request to cut down the rate of interest. Necessary documents are enclosed herewith for your kind perusal.

Therefore, I earnestly request you to consider this application and do whatever is necessary at your earliest convenience.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

Your full name

Your cobtact no

Dated-Place 02/10/21

Encl: –

1. Passbook of Loan A/C.

2. Death certificate of my father

3. Other necessary documents.

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About JM

Hi, I am an English Educator, Content Writer, Blogger since more than 10 years.

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