Letter to a Friend Inviting to Your Birthday Party

Letter to a friend inviting to your birthday party in english

Write a letter to your friend, inviting him/her to your birthday party: This letter to a friend inviting him/her to your birthday party is an informal letter. So, this is different from a formal letter.

So, let’s learn how to write .

Table of Contents

Sample 1

3C Model Town


25th October 2022

Dear Raja,

I hope you find my letter in the best of health and happiness. You know my birthday is 16th December. My parents have organised a party on that day. Bimal, Rahim, and Rahul are coming. I am delighted to invite you on the occasion of my birthday party. We will have lots of fun together. Please arrive at least two days before the occasion and inform me as early as possible.

No more today. More when we meet. Regards to your parents and love to your younger brother.

Yours ever,


Address of the friend with stamp

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Sample 2

Dear [Friend’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to invite you to my upcoming birthday party, which I am very excited about. As you know, birthdays are always special occasions, and this one is no exception.

The party is going to take place on [Date] at [Time] at my home. We are going to have a lot of fun activities planned, including games, music, and of course, plenty of food and drinks. I would be honored if you could join me in celebrating this special day.

I know that you have a busy schedule, but I promise that the party will be worth your time. It’s going to be a great opportunity for us to catch up and have some fun together. I also plan on inviting some of our mutual friends, so it will be a great chance for us to all hang out together.

If you have any dietary restrictions or preferences, please let me know so that we can make sure there is something for everyone to enjoy.

I’m looking forward to seeing you and celebrating with you. It’s going to be a great party, and I can’t wait to share it with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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About JM

Hi, I am an English Educator, Content Writer, Blogger since more than 10 years.

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