Condolence Letter to Friend

Condolence letter to friend on his father's death
Condolence letter to friend on his father's death

Condolence Letter to Friend: Write a letter to your friend giving condolence on the death of his/her father.

This is a sample letter to a friend for giving condolence on his/her father’s death.

So, let’s start the letter.

2/3 PV Road


19 11.09-21

My dear Suman,

I have no words to express how grieved I am to hear of your father’s death. I had the highest regard for his character, wisdom, and sense of duty. His was a noble and ennobling personality.

I miss in him one very near and dear to my heart. It is with tearful eyes and a heavy heart that I convey to you my sense of personal loss and my heartful sympathy for you in your bereavement.

Yours ever,

Jubin Khan

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What is an Informal Letter?

An informal letter is a personal letter we write to friends and relatives.

How should we write an informal letter?

In an informal letter, we write in the simple, daily-used language. Or, we write in our casual language.

About JM

Hi, I am an English Educator, Content Writer, Blogger since more than 10 years.

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